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Ruth Brouwer

​Creative Director and Photographer


Hi there!

I'm Ruth (just thought you might like to know 10 things about me to help us get a little more acquainted).


I love hot chips. 

I can play the piano.

I have a wonderful husband - he's amazing.

I love my family and everything about them - even my 'threenager'!

I really love sewing - but who has the time?

'Going for coffee' is something I can do soooooooo well. 


I was an early childhood teacher in my hay day (and still sometimes temporarily come out of retirement).

I love to create...the feeling of making something from nothing is still mind blowing to me and extremely satisfying!

I love my camera and try to take as many photos as possible. When people say photographs are a luxury item, I wholeheartedly disagree.


Last but not least...I love photography. Beautiful photography is magical. Imagine if you could have something that instantly lifted your spirits upon first glance, and could freeze lost moments in time.

Once a moment has passed, it is gone. The moment is gone but the memory can remain.

We can remember it through a beautiful image, and cherish the moment.

And there are... lots of moments. 


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